Word 2010 Videos - Navigating Your Document
There are several different ways of navigating your document. One way is to use the scrollbar over here, and drag it down... or up to find a different part of your document. Using this method you can cover large distances quickly, which is great if you've got a long document. Alternatively, you can move line by line through your document by clicking on the down arrow, or the up arrow.
Keeping Track Of Page Numbers
As you move through the document, Word tells you what page you're currently on, for example, here, we're on page 3 of a total of 19. And, if we just drag the scrollbar down, you can see that now we're on page 11 out of 19.
Inserting Text In Word
As you move through your document, always remember where you left your cursor, because the cursor is where you insert text when you start typing. If you scroll 20 pages down your document and then start typing, the text won't necessarily appear on the page you're looking at. Instead it will appear where the cursor is.
For example, let's start typing in this document. See how the document jumped? We're now on page 16, which is where the cursor is, whereas we were actually looking at page 11. So what we need to do is place the cursor where we want the text to go. So let's just scroll up, and place the cursor here, press Enter for a new paragraph and then start typing.
Arrow Keys
Another way to move through your document is is to use the arrow keys on the keyboard, so if we just place the cursor here we can move down one line by pressing the down arrow. And again, and again. And we can move up using the up arrow. And, as you've probably guessed, we can move right and left using the right and left arrow keys.
Ctrl Arrow Keys
If you want to move one word at a time, you can hold down ctrl as you press the arrow keys. So, ctrl and right arrow, and again, you can see that the cursor is jumping right to the next word. And it's the same coming back, this time using the left arrow key.
Quiz time! What happens when you hold down ctrl and press the up or down arrow key?
Let's do it now: ctrl-down arrow, we move to the next paragraph down. And again. And pressing ctrl and the up arrow, moves to the previous paragraph.
Page Up And Page Down
Let's not forget the trusty old page up and page down keys on the keyboard, which move you one screen page at a time. I say "screen page" - what that means is that what you see here is a screen page, and so pressing the page down key moves you to the start of the text immediately after this bit here. So page down, like that. Notice that I've pressed page down 3 times and we're on page 2. Press it again - page 3. And again - still on page 3. That's because page down doesn't move you down one "document" page, it's only a screen page.
Ctrl-Home And Ctrl-End
To go to the top of our document, we can press ctrl-home. And to go to the bottom, ctrl-end.
Go To A Particular Page
There's a piece of text I want to look at that's on page 10. So, is there a quick way of getting to page 10? Yes, there is. If we press ctrl-g on the keyboard, we get the Go To dialogue. And just type in "10" there. And just making sure that "Page" is selected there, and then click "Go To". Here we are on page 10.
In fact, the "Go To" dialogue allows us to jump to different pages, sections, lines, and many more different elements in our document. Let's get rid of this dialogue by pressing the escape key.
Finding Text
If you want to find a certain piece of text, but you don't know where in the document it is, you can press ctrl-f on the keyboard to bring up the navigation pane, and then start typing the text, and Word will find it and highlight it. We can just close down the navigation pane by clicking clicking on the "x" here. And the highlighted selection has disappeared.
Next: Editing Text